Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Seasoned Chronotechnician
Wild Card
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6  Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d8, Repair d8, Shooting d6, Weird Science d10
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5

Hindrances: Anemic, Curious, Loyal
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), McGyver, Mr. Fix It, New Power
Powers: Detect Arcana, Teleport

Gear: Steyr Fantom (Range 30/60/120, 2d8, RoF 3, Shots 30, AP 5, Auto, 3RB, Scoped, Silenced), Time Boots(Teleport 10 Power points), Temporal Disturbance Scanner(Detect Arcana, 10 Power Points.)

"Nothing worse than ending up your own grandmother. Been there, done that."

Sasha DuBois

Novice Time Chaser
Wild Card
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Investigation d6, Lockpicking d6, Notice d6, Shooting d8, Streetwise d6, Swimming d6, Weird Science d4
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6(1)

Hindrances: Minor Vow (To the Castellan of Lungbarrow), Minor Wanted (Icelandic Alliance Temporal Paratroopers)
Edges: Acrobat, Brave

Gear: Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, 1-3d6, Shots 24, Semi-Auto), Leather Trenchcoat (+1), Offensive Grenades (Range 5/10/20, 3d6, MBT), Time Key(Teleport, 10 Power Points)

"When I first met him, a long, long time ago, he knew all about me. Think about that. An impressionable young girl, and suddenly this man just drops out of the sky, and he's clever, and mad, and wonderful, and knows every last thing about her. Imagine what that does to a girl."

Andrei Durand

Seasoned Time Chaser
Wild Card
Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Intimidation d8, Investigation d6, Lockpicking d4, Notice d6, Piloting d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6, Weird Science d6
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6(1)

Hindrances: Death Wish, Major Habit (Omnisexual Flirtation), Loyal
Edges: Arcane Background (Weird Science), Elan, Great Luck
Powers: Teleport(Time Ring)

Gear: Flintlock Pistol (.60) (Range 5/10/20, 2d6+1, 2 actions to reload), Leather trenchcoat(+1), Machine Pistol (Range 12/24/48, 2d6, RoF 4, Shots 32, AP 4, Auto, Scope), Time Ring (Teleportation 10 Power Points)

"She went for the ex boyfriend. Lucky she's young. Work your way through my back catalogue, we'll be here till the sun explodes."