Wild Card
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d6, Repair d6, Spellcasting d8, Stealth d6, Throwing d4
Charisma: -; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5 (1)
Hindrance: Cowardly
Edge: Arcane Background(Magic), Extraction, Power Surge, Improved Rapid Recharge
Spells: (15 Power Points) Bolt(of Flame), Barrier(of Fire), Blast(Fireball), Smite(with added fire)
Gear: Spear (Str+d6; Reach 1"), Robe(+1), Knife (Range 3/6/12, Str+d4),
Racial Abilities:
• Arcane Senses: Kobolds can detect
supernatural persons, objects, or effects within sight. This includes
invisible foes, enchantments on people or items, weird science devices,
and so on. Kobolds find this taxing and must succeed on a Spirit roll at
–2 or suffer a level of Fatigue, which is removed after an hour’s rest.
• Dragonblood: Kobolds have the blood of dragons coursing through
their veins. If they choose the Arcane Background (Magic) Edge they
start with 15 Power Points.
• Small: Size -1 and thus toughness -1.
"I studied in House Flambeau."
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